Version VST: Mac



IVGI can deliver very soft and subtle saturation, that feels at home on the master buss It is equally capable of very dense and dirty distortion effects to spice up single tracks. IVGI’s...



MJUC jr. is the little brother of the colorful MJUC It’s a variable-mu** design with lots of vibe, capable of smooth leveling but also heavy pumping effects. With its two gain stages and interstage transformer...


Voxengo Boogex

Real-time guitar processing Speaker cabinet simulation Stereo convolution processing Boogex is a free guitar amplifier AudioUnit, AAX, and VST plugin with a variety of sound shaping features, for professional sound and music production...


Voxengo Correlometer

Multi-band correlation metering Phase issues detector Cross-track phase coherency estimation Mono-compatibility checker Correlometer is a free analog-style stereo multi-band correlation meter AudioUnit, AAX, and VST plugin for professional music production applications.  It is...


Voxengo SPAN

Fast Fourier transform spectrum analyzer Stereo, mid-side, surround spectrum analyzer Stereo correlation meter EBU R128, K-system meter RMS, true peak level, and clipping detector SPAN is a free real-time “fast Fourier transform” audio...


Voxengo MSED

Mid-side encoder/decoder Mid-side stereo widener Stereo imaging Stereo channels swapper 180-degree channel phase flipper Stereo correlation and balance meter Unique “plasma” vector scope MSED is a professional audio encoder-decoder AAX, AudioUnit and VST...


Voxengo Latency Delay

Latency Delay is an auxiliary AAX, AudioUnit, and VST audio plugin which allows you to compensate latency produced by any audio plugins, instruments and processes which produce latency but do not try to...


Voxengo AnSpec

Analog-style spectrum analyzer AnSpec is an analog-style one/third-octave spectrum analyzer AAX, AudioUnit, and VST plugin for professional music production applications.  It was designed to be a handy visual feedback tool for those who...


Voxengo Tube Amp

Tube Amp is a free audio effect AudioUnit, AAX, and VST plugin for professional sound and music production applications that applies tube triode-based overdrive usually found in single-tube pre-amp boxes for microphones.  The...


Voxengo OldSkoolVerb

OldSkoolVerb is a free algorithmic reverberation AAX, AudioUnit, and VST plugin for professional streaming, sound, and music production applications. This plugin implements a kind of “classic” stereo reverb algorithm which is technically simple...


Voxengo Overtone GEQ

Overtone GEQ is a free 7-band harmonic (overtone) graphic equalizer AudioUnit, AAX, and VST plugin with multi-channel operation support (supporting up to 8 input/output channels, audio host application-dependent).  Overtone GEQ offers extensive internal...