
Spectral Plugins

Spectral Plugins ceases operations, but makes 3 plugins available for free download Spacer Start small, build big: discover new sonic extensions with Spacer, a modular creative effects station where time and space merge...

leikkaus free vst clipper


Free Clipper Plugin with Intuitive UI for Mastering Audio (Windows & macOS) Looking for a free, powerful clipper plugin to enhance your audio mastering workflow? Leikkaus is an open-source solution designed to deliver...


It’s a complete re-design of the BT-Clipper If you already have the original BT-Clipper, it would probably be a good idea to delete it before installing this new one. The point of a...

Yum Audio

4 Free Audio Plugins from Yum Audio Stereo Control, Dynamic Compression, Clipping and Analog Character with 4 Free Audio PluginsFully Compatible: Free Audio Plugins Supporting AAX, VST3, & AU Across All Major DAWs...

hornet magnus lite

HoRNet Magnus Lite

Free clipper and limiter Magnus Lite is the perfect tool for musicians, podcasters, and audio engineers who want to shape the sound of their audio with precision and ease. The plugin features both...



Linda Audio releases Sonicrusher – versatile compressor plugin with some extra features. Sonicrusher does not model any real hardware but it is capable of everything from gentle transparent compression to extreme compression that...

bpd saturator

BPB Saturator

You can use BPB Saturator as a subtle saturation effect, a distortion tool, or a soft clipper on the master bus BPB Saturator is a freeware saturation effect designed by Bedroom Producers Blog....

Initial Clipper

Initial Clipper is a free soft clipper plugin which prevents your audio signal from going above zero decibels It does this by smoothing the peaks with soft clipping starting from the threshold. The...


Chop n Dice Lite

A simple and straightforward hard clipper Chop n Dice Lite is an easy to use “lite” version of our flagship clipper plugin Chop n Dice. It features one “Hard Clip” algorithm. Adjust the...


VladG Limiter N°6

Limiter №6 combines the power of compression, limiting and smooth clipping Vladislav Goncharov’s state-of-the-art free limiter features a five-stage signal path optimized to get the most loudness out of a mix without a...