

T-De-Esser Plus

Manage sibilance in vocals and dialog in a transparent manner T-De-Esser Plus is an enhanced version of the original T-De-Esser and contains extra Pro features you can enable via an upgrade activation. T-De-Esser...

Tonmann DeEsser


Sibilance attenuator for voices Tonmann DeEsser is a basic high frequency dynamic processor VST plugin, called a DeEsser because it’s mainly designed to get rid of “stinging” sibilants that may occur on vocals...



Remove sibilance and harshness, fast A simplified and easy-to-use De-Esser that smoothes out high frequencies while maintaining a natural and musical sound. Brightening up audio has never been easier You can use T-De-Esser...

Lisp is a level-independent sibilance processor


Lisp is a level-independent sibilance processor Whether you use a traditional de-esser, sidechained compressor, dynamic EQ, or even edit your tracks manually, cleaning up sibilance problems in your vocals can get pretty tedious....


Smooth but powerful de-esser with MIX feature! While you can de-ess your vocals, you can also reduce harshness of your highs for overall mix, cymbals and more! Instead de-esser, you can use it...



Sibalance is a De-Esser that uses advanced perceptual loudness and timbre models to detect excess sibilance and harshness. Subsequent reduction is performed by spectral processing, resulting in a cleaner and more transparent result,...