
Psycle Modular Music Creation Studio is a free open source music creation program that offers an easy way to create your own music, fast and with high quality.

Virtual instruments, sound generators and effects can be used and combined in a modular way to create the final result of a song. With Psycle, it is easy to create all kinds of electronic music, but Psycle is not limited to electronic music. You can also insert pre-recorded tracks (a vocal track and a guitar track, for example).

  • A 64-track pattern editor, with up to 1024 lines
  • 256 sequence positions
  • Audio routing view (machine) for interconnecting virtual machines to apply different effects
  • Internal stereo sampling unit supporting .wav and .iff files of any sample rate, 8/16 and 24 bit, mono or stereo
  • Over 70 native plug-ins (generators and effects), most of them open source and with an easy-to-use API for creating new ones
  • Support for the VST1 and VST2 plug-in standard
  • Import .xm, .s3m, .it, .mod
  • Export to wav, as well as real-time recording to .wav
  • Configurable keyboard layout
  • MIDI-In support (control Psycle using a MIDI keyboard or even a software sequencer)
  • Theme and mask support and much more.


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