Interactive Circle of Fifths Chart

An interactive circle of fifths chart, a very useful music theory tool to help visualize scales, notes, chords and keys as well as the relationship between them.

As the name implies, in the Circle of Fifths (aka wheel of fifths), each note/key on the wheel is separated by a perfect fifth. You can click the toggle to switch between the major circle of fifths (Ionian mode) and the minor circle of fifths (Aeolian mode).

The circle of fifths helps to see keys that harmonize well with a selected key, which can help with music composition. Keys that are adjacent to another key in the circle of 5ths are closely related and will usually harmonize well. In fact, keys that are a fifth apart only differ by one note, having 6 notes in common.

The circle of fifths also helps to determine the key signature of a given key. Starting from the key of C (or the key of A on the minor circle of 5ths) and going clockwise, each successive key gets an additional sharp at the 7th scale degree. For example, the key of C has no sharps, while the key of G (the key one fifth apart from C in a clockwise direction) has one sharp at the 7th scale degree.

Similarly, going counter-clockwise, each successive key gets an additional flat at the 4th scale degree.

For a circle of fifths that also includes the 7 modes of the major scale, I recommend this circle of 5ths by Rand Scullard.
If you’re interested in learning more about the circle of fifths in general, here’s a very detailed post from Musical U, and here’s an awesome video by Brian from Zombie Guitar that makes the circle of fifths and its applications quite simple to grasp. not only is it a circle of fifths but it also displays music tools and music theory, making it a true must-have in any musician and music producer’s setup.

Music & Music Theory Tools

Music Theory Cheat Sheet, Lil Beat Maker, Virtual Piano, Piano Chords, Super Simple Sequencer, Mini Music Machine, Major and minor scales, Circle of fifths, Musical Intervals, Interval table, Guitar fretboard, Bass fretboard, Ukulele fretboard, Scale Finder, Clef Chords, Major Scale Modes, Chord Transposer and more…

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