A MIDI driven, performance oriented, versatile synthesizer plugin
JS80P by Attila M. Magyar, is a Yamaha CS-80 synthesizer emulation and open source in VST and FST plugin formats for Windows and Linux.
It can be downloaded for free via its GitHub page, as well as the source code (available under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3).
- 16 notes polyphony
- 2 oscillators with 10 waveforms:
- sine
- sawtooth
- soft sawtooth
- inverse sawtooth
- soft inverse sawtooth
- triangle
- soft triangle
- square
- soft square
- custom
- 2 filters for each oscillator, 7 filter types:
- low-pass
- high-pass
- band-pass
- notch
- bell (peaking)
- low-shelf
- high-shelf
The source code is available at https://github.com/attilammagyar/js80p