
Monster Drum is a music producer’s friend for making music with many music genres.

Whether you are a rock or metal musician, R’nB or Hip Hop producer, singer/songwriter who composes jazz or acoustic music, or any other musicians, you’ll find that Monster Drum is becoming your Go-To virtual instrument for your drum track.

Developed by Agus Hardiman, the great things about this VST are it’s never complete. This VST gets new kit expansion continuously every month!


  • Dozens of cool-sounding Drumkit presets. The current version is v3-2022.07 with 20 Drumkit (This will be updated regularly, please sign-up for my newsletter in this AHTV blog HOMEPAGE to be notified of updates).
  • Full mixer view for easy access of each sound on/off, volume, pan, and tune.
  • Global Tune, Pan, Reverb and Filter (EQ).
  • Parameter Automation to dynamically change sounds that fit your music (Read below on ‘How To Automate Monster Drum Parameters‘).
  • Soundbank/Presets can be placed on an external hard disk, no need to place it in a startup drive (Read step #4 below on ‘Monster Drum Download Links and Installation Steps‘).
  • Parameter/Knob value reset by double-clicking it.
  • A new expansion sounds preset will be released/updated regularly every now and then. Make sure you sign-up for my newsletter in this AHTV blog HOMEPAGE to be notified of updates.
  • Major plugin format: Windows 64bit DAW, Mac VST, and Mac Audio Unit (AU). If you’re a Pro Tools user, please use BlueCat Patchwork to use this VST in your PT.


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