Denoiser Classic

Denoiser Classic is a zero-latency noise reduction plugin for music, post-production and live use


  • Traditional workflow.
  • Low CPU usage.
  • Zero latency.
  • No FFT and associated artefacts.
  • Not limited to voice processing.
  • Fully automatable.

The frequency range

Noise reduction can be a very damaging process, so the first thing you should do is to limit the frequency range to where the unwanted noise actually is and overlaps with the wanted signal. You can do this by dragging the low/high frequency textboxes.

It may be useful here to start with the threshold fully up and the six gain range sliders fully down (use the draggable button on their left) to force the plugin to operate at full reduction, making the affected frequency range easily audible.

For your information, changing the frequency range also changes the width of each band internally.

The high/low pass filters

If there is not any wanted signal below/above the affected frequency range, then you can probably enable the high/low pass filter button. The cutoff frequencies are the same than the frequency range ones.

The threshold

The threshold defines the noise detection level. Set the six gain range sliders and the threshold slider fully down (nothing considered as noise) then move the threshold up slowly until the noise disappears. You are looking for a sweet spot. If the threshold is too high, it will affect the wanted signal.

The level meter inside the threshold slider indicates both the lowest and highest detected input levels among all bands.

HF BIAS: Increases the sensitivity to high frequencies (above ~1kHz), usually to help harmonics and transients/sibilances to come through more easily.

The gain range sliders

The six gain range sliders define the maximum gain reduction possible at their corresponding frequency.

Move one of them fully up to listen to the noise that this band is processing. Then move it down slowly until you get the amount of gain reduction you want. Do the same for the five others.

If the noise level is too close to the one of the wanted signal, you will get gating artefacts (hearing the noise pumping whenever an expander opens). You need to find a compromise, it could even mean no gain reduction at all for a band.

The level meters inside the range sliders indicate both the lowest and highest gain reduction applied in each band.


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