Monster Guitar (Update v2.2022.09)

MonsterGuitar is a Free Guitar VST developed by Agus Hardiman, with various preset, including Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, and soon some Ukulele Preset too.
It covers multi music genres, from Reggae to Pop to Rock and everything in between.
I made this Monster Guitar as a tool to make a MIDI mockup when I composed a song.
It is not meant to replace a real guitarist, but rather to help everybody so abstract ideas become more fixed.
Because of this, if you compare Monster Guitar VST with any other VST like AmpleSound or Shreddage or anything else, my VST doesn’t have detailed and realistic sound, let alone if you compare it to a real guitarist!
In this 1st release, Monster Guitar will have 5 Presets, a reggae skank preset, an electric guitar picking preset, a strumming pop preset, a 12-stell string preset, and homage to the music of my country Indonesia, the Dangdut preset.
In this 2nd version, Monster Guitar has 14 Presets, divided into 3 categories: CHORD Mode, LEAD Mode, and NOTES Mode