World Music Day

World Music Day is here. A High Quality String Sampled Library is brought to you by RDGAudio.
WMD Strings is a HQ String Sampled Library where all keys have been sampled individually and looped. It comes with TWO Presets Normal and Slow Strings. Perfect for Staccato Articulation or producing rich hybrid Legato string sounds. From Attack and Release you can adjust and shape basic Strings. From LFO Modulation section you can add LFO depth and Rate. Also this Instrument includes REVERB,LOW PASS FILTER and TUNING Knobs. New RDG File format. All major DAW Supported.
WMD Strings is available in AU for Mac and VST3 for PC in 64 bits format.
- High Quality String Samples
- Staccato & Slow Strings
- Velocity Sensitive
- Free Factory Content
- New .Rdg File Format Supported
- Attack,Release ,Tune,Amp & Filter Section
- Lfo Rate & Depth For String Modulation
- Plate Reverb
- All Major Daw Supported
- Au For Mac ,Vst3 For Pc