Outobugi – 5 Free Plugins

5 free plugins from Outobugi, software and game developer
Drum processing chain (v1.0.1) BANG: Transient shaper HEAT: Distortion/saturation SUB: Bass oscillator DETAIL: High shelf, tilt and noise CLAMP: Soft/hard clipper
Basic tremolo/auto-pan effect
Multiband compressor (v1.0.1). Another OTT clone, but with a few more features.
- Mid/side compression
- Distortion (2x oversampling)
- Stereo width
Widens any sound without phase problems. Similar to the haas effect but instead of delaying one of the channels, both are delayed and one is inverted. When summed to mono, the effect is cancelled.
A simple soft/hard knee clipper with oversampling (Not compatible with 1.0.0).