Scratchpad Free LoFi VST

Scratchpad is a completely free VST Instrument plugin developed by Patent Sounds
This plugin was built with LOFI in mind however the included sounds will complement well almost any genre of music.
The 12 presets included in Scratchpad were carefully selected and sampled to fit the LOFI aesthetic, but these sounds will also work very well in other subgenres of hip hop. Smooth keys, beautiful bells and lush leads.
With Scratchpad’s built-in noise generators you can manually add a noise mix to your sound, making it instantly sound more “Retro”. Choose from vinyl, tape or rain noises and mix them with your tonal sound to give it a different texture.
Chorus, Distortion and Wow/Flutter are combined to create the “Lofiness” section of the plug-in. These effects can be used together to create a really aged or aged effect. Just don’t go overboard with the wobble effect! You’ve been warned.