
Alex Hilton developer A1TriggerGate – a MIDI-triggered ADSR envelope/noise gate plugin that you can apply on any sound to get fun rhythmic effects.
Pattern Sequence
Each section of step length buttons & step volume faders represents one beat of your pattern sequence. You can choose between ‘No Step’, ‘ShortStep’, ‘LongStep’ and ‘StepLink’ by simply pressing a step length button. Each beat consists of 4 steps (1/16 notes in ‘Normal Mode’) or 3 steps (1/8T notes in ‘Triplet Mode’) and each step has its own step volume fader above to dial in its relative level.
Integrated FX
The integrated FX (Lowpass Filter, Drive/Distortion and Echo/Delay) are designed as easy as possible. No vast amounts of parameters to dial in to get the desired effect on your sound. Simply turn it on and tweak it a little and you’re ready to go !
Of course there is a ‘Global FX Off’ switch to step through all presets without any of the integrated FX. Professional producers will appreciate that little feature.
Get some ‘random’ inspiration
If you are looking for the right groove or just an interesting rhythmic pattern, sometimes it is a good way to let my plugin provide you with some randompatterns. Just press ‘random’ several times and use the sequence you like. It’s simple as that ! Check it out … IT’S FREE !!!