Version VST: Win64

Rainbow Bird EQ Free

Rainbow Bird EQ

An additive EQ inspired by the legendary EQ4 Vox Samples introduces Rainbow Bird EQ, a modern version of the famous EQ4, known for its “Air Band” feature. With improved gain accuracy and intuitive...

Free guitar amp simulator for your DAW

Amplifikation Lite Free

Free guitar amp simulator for your DAW Amplifikation Lite is perfect for any guitarist who wants to record their guitar on the computer. It is ideal for a wide range of music genres,...

Untold Strings – Roots

ROOTS is a series of free virtual instruments developed by Westwood Instruments. It is designed to provide musicians with a simple and straightforward creative experience, with a focus on limitation as a tool...

Spectral Plugins

Spectral Plugins ceases operations, but makes 3 plugins available for free download Spacer Start small, build big: discover new sonic extensions with Spacer, a modular creative effects station where time and space merge...


Immerse yourself in a new era of cinematic strings alt.strings, a unique collaboration between Venus Theory and Dave Hilowitz of Decent Samples. This free edition gives you a taste of what the full...


Its simple design and clear, one-page layout makes exploring its sonic landscape a breeze ExtraBold uses traditional subtractive synthesis, with 3 powerful oscillators and a multi-mode filter. One of the first things you’ll...


Guitar tone plugin that takes musicians on a satirical trip down memory lane This tongue-in-cheek product from Aurora DSP claims to use cutting-edge technology to recreate the somewhat artificial sounds of the early...

Invisible Verb Pro

Reverb plugin from Aurora DSP, Kohle Audio Kult and Eve Audio brand. The most transparent sounding reverb plugin ever. Features Reflection-Free Reverb: Doesn’t add color to your dry tracks.Clean, Neutral Sound: So clean...

Atmospheres Free Reverb

Atmospheres is a free reverb plugin designed to create immersive spaces and dreamy textures Atmospheres with a touch. Based on the Deep Waters processor, it allows you to create giant reverbs with just...

Bedroom Compressor MkII

With a perfect combination of VCA and Opto compression models Elevate your sound to new heights with Bedroom Comp MkII, this plugin gives you precise control and analog touch for a polished, professional...

Spiral Delay

Spiral delay is Davisynth’s first free plugin since becoming a brand Spiral Delay is a step up from your basic ping-pong delay! It makes echoes that slowly pan back and forth at an...



A Quasi-Ptolemaic Semi-Modular Synthesizer Developed by Greg Recco. It is inspired by the Ptolemaic model of the universe, where the planets orbit the sun at different speeds. In AudiblePlanets, these orbital speeds are...